"Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality." - Malala Yousafzai
Ready to make the most of your high school career? This step by step guide will walk you through all 4 years so that you're always ready for what comes next! Always remember to make high school count! TimeLine.pdf
Juniors, it's never too early to get started! Here are 10 things you should be doing NOW to prepare for the college application process:10 Things High School Juniors Need To Do Now For College.pdf
Already know what you want to study in college? Great! Make sure you read through this list of courses you should take during your high school career to prepare you for a specific major:
Before you start those applications, make sure you know these 10 things about each school to which you wish to apply:
10 Things You Need to Know About a School Before You Apply.pdf
Keep yourself organized! Remember that you should have reach, target, and safety schools on your college list. This document will help you keep track of and categorize your schools!
Connect with your School Counselor! We are here to help you and your family through the college process (and for anything else you may need!): Connecting with your School Counselor.pdf
SAT, ACT, FAFSA...What does all of this mean? Click here to become proficient in the college application lingo: TermsToKnow.pdf
Wondering how you're going to pay for college? Check out these 7 steps to applying for financial aid: FinAid7steps.pdf
Remember to check the Daily Bulletin for FREE FAFSA workshops here at UHS in January/February of each new year