Supervisor of School Counseling Department K-12
Mrs. Nicole Ahern 908-851-6814
Mission Statement
The mission of the School Counseling Department is to provide a structured and supportive program that includes the student, home and school as essential partners, to promote healthy student development in an atmosphere of acceptance and celebration of each student and to encourage a full range of opportunities and activities that can stimulate students to explore and fully realize their interests and capabilities and embrace life-long learning.
Union High School's counseling staff consists of eleven counselors and three secretaries. The counselors are skilled in group dynamics, problem-solving, goal-setting, decision making and advocacy. Student assignments are alphabetical and counselors work with the student throughout his/her high school career to promote healthy student development, career awareness and academic success.
School counselors are available to see students by appointment. Students should see the appointment secretary before school between 7:15 a.m. and 7:35 a.m. or after 2:35 p.m. You may not "drop in" to see your counselor. Of course, true emergencies will be seen with a pass from your teacher.
Graduation Requirements
In keeping with its obligations under N.J.A.C. 6:8-4.6, the Board directs the Superintendent to promulgate administrative regulations and procedures, which shall meet the requirements of statute and regulations regarding pupil promotion and high school graduation in the following area
Language Arts
Literacy/English |
4 years |
20 credits |
Math |
3 years |
15 credits including Algebra I content;
geometry content (effective with the class of 2012);
and a third year of math that builds upon Algebra I and geometry and prepares students for college and 21st century careers (effective with the class of 2016). |
Science |
3 Years |
15 credits including laboratory biology;
chemistry, environmental science or physics (effective with the 2010-2011 9th grade class of 2014)
and an additional lab/inquiry-based science (effective with the class of 2016); |
Social Studies |
3 years |
15 credits including histories and integrated Civics, economics, geography, and global content |
World Language |
1 year |
5 credits |
Economics |
½ year
2.5 credits in financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy (effective with the 2010- 2011 9th grade class) |
Visual & Performing
& Career/Technical
Arts |
2 years |
10 credits (1 year specifically in Visual & Performing Arts and 1 year specifically in Career/Technical Arts); |
Technology Literacy
Electives from
CCCS Areas |
3 years |
15 credits |
Health & Physical Education |
4 years |
20 credits * need one year for each year enrolled* |

Naviance is a web-based college research and planning tool for UHS students, parents and school counselors. The website manages inpidual students through the entire college planning, application and decision process. Students can search for scholarships, explore careers, take interest inventories and investigate their learning style. They can review academic and admission data for colleges across the United States and also gauge their chances for acceptance by comparing personal GPA/ACT/SAT statistics with those of recent UHS successful applicants.
Login at Naviance Student. If you need your password reset please follow instructions on the page. If you have other trouble logging in please contact Mrs. Muller at 908-851-6506 or .
On our Parent Presentations page we have an Intro to Naviance.
The process of applying to college can be a stressful and nerve wracking experience for both students and parents. Start early, allow yourself plenty of time to meet deadlines and RELAX. Your counselor is here to help you. Remember that the admissions committee wants to learn as much about YOU as possible. Think carefully about what you want them to know and choose wisely about how you present yourself. Your application packet will be how the admissions committee will know you. For more information see our page Senior College Guide
A number of scholarship opportunities are available through the School Counseling Office and the Daily Bulletin. Family Connection through Naviance has links to an excellent searchable database of scholarships.
Students should read the Daily Bulletin posted on the bulletin board opposite the Counseling Office or access it from this website.
Local scholarship and PTA scholarship applications are available in the spring. Students are notified through the Daily Bulletin.