About the School

Union High School (UHS) is an inclusive environment of shared leadership where students and staff engage in respectful, intellectual, meaningful interactions which foster student development, integrity, and success. We support a rigorous curriculum, a strong sense of community, a safe atmosphere and work in collaboration with all stakeholders.

UHS students compete successfully on the regional, state and national levels in oratory contests, competitive exams, academic, scientific, musical, and technical competitions. The Army J.R.O.T.C. Drill Team ranked first in New Jersey, first in the East Coast and first in the nation for 2017-2018. The Color Guard ranks first in the state, second in the East Coast and fourth in the nation. The Union High School Performing Arts Company (UHSPAC) is one of the strongest arts training programs in NJ, the US and Canada. For several years the district has been named a national Best Communities for Music Education. Yearly musicals and performances highlight the Theater Arts program. The Theater Arts program has been a Paper Mill Rising Star Award winner in numerous categories: Best Musical; Best Actor; Best Actress; Best Orchestra; Best Choreography; Best Direction and Best Musical Direction. Union's Jazz Ensemble and Wind Ensemble have consistently won Heritage Festival awards.

Approximately 55% of Union High School graduates go on to pursue higher education at four-year colleges and 28% start at two-year colleges. Among our recent graduates are students attending such prestigious institutions as University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Duke, Georgetown, Howard University, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, N.Y.U., Penn State, Spelman College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Virginia, University of Arizona, Arizona State University, U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, Vanderbilt University, and Villanova University. The majority of our graduates remain in New Jersey, however, with many Union High School graduates attending Rutgers University, The College of New Jersey, Montclair State University, or NJIT.

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