Transcript Requests

Former Student Transcript Request

Effective November 15, 1974, Federal and State Law prohibits the release of pupil records without parent or adult student written authorization. The school cannot release records without this written permission. Ref. New Jersey Administrative Code #6:3-6.1 et seq. states, "Organizations, agencies and persons from outside the school shall have access to pupil records if they have written consent of parent or adult pupil (age 18)".

In order for Union High School to mail out a high school transcript, a transcript release form must be completed with a signature and returned to us with a stamped envelope addressed to the school, business, or organization requesting the transcript. Please do not put a return address on the envelope.

Regular Mail:

Union High School

Re: Transcripts - Former Students

2350 N. Third Street

Union, NJ 07083

Forms are also available at the security podium as you enter the high school. One form must be filled out per each request and a stamped envelope addressed to the school, business or organization requiring the transcript must accompany each request.

All transcripts will be mailed directly to the school, organization, business or employer requiring the transcript. Please allow 10 business days to process request.

Immunization record requests are handled the same as transcript requests but we will mail those directly to the student if requested.

Questions: Please call the School Counseling Office at 908-851-6505 or email Mrs. Muller.

If the school, business, or employer will accept an emailed transcript, then email the transcript request form to Mrs. Muller with the email address clearly written on the form.

Current Senior Transcript Request

Current Senior Transcript Request

Please speak to your respective Counselor about any transcript requests. For scholarship and incidental transcript requests please complete a Transcript Request Form (Senior), and return the completed form directly to your counselor with your and your parent's release signatures Please do not leave this on anyone's desk in the Counseling Office. Every request must be documented with a release form. The form is available in the Document Library in Naviance Family Connection.

All transcripts for college applications will be handled separately according to the college application processing guidelines. A Transcript Request Form (Senior) is required for all college applications. If your transcript cannot be sent electronically and must be sent by mail you must give your counselor a stamped addressed envelope. Your transcript will not be sent until this is done. Your transcript and supporting application documents will not be sent electronically until the counselor has your Transcript Request Form.

For Mid-Year Grade Requests, please fill out the Mid-Year Grade Request Form available in the Document Library in Naviance and return it to your counselor at least two weeks before the end of the second marking period.

The college that you will be attending after graduation must receive a final transcript from Union High School. You must complete the Graduation Survey in Naviance making sure that you update the name of the school that you will be attending. If you are undecided and need final transcripts sent to more than one college please advise your counselor before the end of school. All final transcripts will be sent as soon as final grades are posted.

If your plans change during the summer and you need additional transcripts sent please email Mrs. Muller.

Grade 9 - 11 Transcript Request

Current non-senior students needing transcripts for summer programs or scholarships must fill out the transcript request form (non-senior) and return it to their counselor. Official transcripts will be mailed directly to the program or scholarship. Should the student need to include the transcript with other materials they must bring all completed materials in a stamped, addressed envelope to their counselor. The counselor will put the official transcript in the packet, seal it and place it in UHS outgoing mail.

Requests for release of unofficial transcripts, test scores and middle school report cards to private schools must be made in writing by the parent/guardian to Mrs. Johnson, the Registrar. We will mail or fax these unofficial records directly to the school. Please allow ten business days for processing.

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