Drug and Alcohol Policy

Drugs and Alcohol

The Board of Education recognizes that the misuse of drugs by any student seriously impedes that student's education and threatens the welfare of the entire school community. The board is committed to the prevention of drug abuse and the rehabilitation of drug users by educational means, but will take necessary and appropriate steps to protect the school community from harm and from exposure to drugs.

"Drugs" means alcoholic beverages, controlled or other banned substances as defined at N.J.S.A. 24:21-2, anabolic steroids, or any chemical or chemical compound that releases vapors or fumes causing a condition of intoxication, inebriation, excitement, stupefaction, or dulling of the brain or nervous system, including, but not limited to, glue containing a solvent having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes as defined at N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-9 and 2C:35-2.

The board prohibits the use, possession, and/or distribution of any drug on school premises, at any event away from the school premises that is sponsored by this Board, and on any transportation vehicle provided by the board. Students suspected of being under the influence of drugs will be identified, evaluated and reported in accordance with law. A student, who uses, possesses, distributes, or is found to be under the influence of a drug, on or off school premises will be subject to discipline, which will be graded to the severity of the offense and shall include suspension, expulsion and/or exclusion from school activities. The student may be reported to appropriate law enforcement personnel. Incidents of drug involvement will also be reported to the Commissioner on the state-approved form.

Any student suspected of involvement with drugs and/or alcohol is required to undergo a medical examination. The medical examination shall include the following:

  • Examination by a board approved physician
  • Monitored urine screening and chain of custody
  • Any additional medical test deemed necessary by the physician
  • A note indicating the student is/is not physically and mentally able to return to school

Results of a urine screen are considered positive when:

Results of a urine screen are considered positive when:

  • A positive diagnosis is obtained.
  • A negative diagnosis indicating an atypical specimen resulting from water dilution or other tampering is received from the laboratory.
  • Student refuses to give a urine sample.
  • Student does not give a urine sample within the two-hour time allotment following the report of possible substance abuse.

Consequences of positive results or possession of drug/alcohol use:

Any student for whom there is a positive diagnosis from the medical examination indicating that the student was under the influence of, or in possession of, drugs and/or alcohol in school or at a school function will be subject to the following:

1st Offense - Parent/Guardian meeting with administration.
A three (3) day out-of-school suspension followed by
five (5) school days exclusion from extracurricular activities.
Police may be notified.
Mandatory follow-up with S.A.C. upon return to school.

2nd Offense - Parent/Guardian meeting with administration.
A five (5) day out-of-school suspension followed by twenty
(20) school days exclusion from participation in extracurricular activities.
Police may be notified.
Mandatory follow-up with S.A.C. upon return to school.

3rd Offense - Parent/Guardian meeting with administration.
A ten (10) day out-of-school suspension and recommendation
by the Principal to the Superintendent for a hearing for expulsion
followed by thirty-five (35) school days exclusion from participation in extracurricular activities.
Police may be notified.
Mandatory follow-up with S.A.C. upon return to school.

NOTE: Exclusion from extracurricular activities will carry over, if necessary, to the following school year. A student's exclusion from participation in extracurricular activities include all sports, student clubs, or organizations, musical groups, dances, class activities, proms, trips and possibly graduation.

Identification and Remediation of Students Who Distribute Drugs

  • A student found to have distributed drugs in violation of law and Board policy will be reported to the Principal or his/her administrative designee, the Child Study Team, Student Assistance Counselor, and appropriate law enforcement officers, and is subject to discipline in accordance with this policy.
  • The determination whether a student who possesses a drug has intentions of distributing it will be made following the guidelines used by law enforcement officials.

Penalties for distribution of drugs

1st Offense - Parent/Guardian meeting with administration
A ten (10) day out-of-school suspension followed by
thirty-five (35) school days exclusion from participation in
extracurricular activities.
Police will be notified.

2nd Offense - Parent/Guardian meeting with administration
Out-of-school suspension and a hearing for expulsion
Police will be notified.

NOTE: Exclusion from extracurricular activities will carry over, if necessary, to the following school year. A student's exclusion from participation in extracurricular activities include all sports, student clubs, or organizations, musical groups, dances, class activities, proms, trips and possibly graduation.

Voluntary Student Request for Assistance whenever a student voluntarily seeks help for a drug or alcohol use pattern through a staff member, the staff member shall:

  • Reinforce the student's actions by expressing approval of a decision to seek help and indicate concern for the student.
  • Indicate at the beginning of the conference that what is told to the Student Assistance Counselor which relates to the request for assistance shall be kept confidential consistent with the law (42 C.F.R. 2; 6A:16-3 et seq. and 6A:16-4 et seq.).
  • Offer immediate help to the student through the office of the Student Assistance Counselor.
  • If the student is reluctant to go to the Student Assistance Counselor alone, the staff member shall offer to go with the Student Assistance Counselor office and attend the initial conference with the individual and the Student Assistance Counselor, is possible and appropriate. All students are eligible for services through the Student Assistance Program.

Legal Liability of School and Medical Personnel:

School personnel are held safe-harmless when reporting drug abuse incidents under the following N.J.S.A. 2A:62A-4, 18A:40A-13, 18A:40A-14.

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